Sunday, March 21, 2021

Project 5 Part 2

Document... F-Stop: 25 Shutter Speed: 1/100 ISO: 400
Environemntal... F-Stop: 6.3 Shutter Speed: 1/100 ISO: 6400
Symbolic... F-Stop: 7.1 Shutter Speed: 1/100 ISO: 6400

1 comment:

  1. Hi Olivia!
    Great photos!! To start off, I think your document is really nice. I like how the person is well lit and the background is blank but has a little bit of texture to it. I think the element of half the face being very bright and the other have being a little shaded adds a cool element. I also like how her head is turned to the side slightly instead of having her look directly at the camera. I think the woman's facial expression looks really natural so great job on capturing that! One thing I think that could make the photo even better is maybe having a different color background to add a little more contrast but also I think her shirt creates a bit of a nice contrast.

    Your environmental photo is my favorite of the three! I think all elements of this photo really put the viewer in her special place with her. I think you did a great job of adding many objects like the cookbook, eggs, whisk, and bowl to show where her environment is but yet the focus of the photo is still on the woman. I think this photo is also very well lit. The only thing I would suggest is trying to get rid of the glare on the cookbook and maybe making the woman's face a bit more sharper.

    Your symbolic photo turned out really nice as well. I like the pop of orange on the hat because it really gives nice contrast to the dark blue/black color on the majority of the hat. If I had to suggest anything to change with this photo it would only be to try and minimize that sun glare towards the top right corner of the photo. Great job!
